About Us

About Us

Somali Communication workers Union (SOCOWU)

We are the representative of workers in the telecommunication industry and postal services. SOCOWU was formed on 1st September 2009 in Mogadishu after workers in the communication industry gathered in a conference that took 3-days in the capital.

SOCOWU was formed after realizing how employees in the communication sector were exploited and overworked. The substantial growth in the industry has resulted in many employees being attracted to the sector. Some telecommunication companies were found to have given long working hours to some employees without compensation for the overtime. This forced communication workers to come together to address their problems as a union.

It aims to protect the rights and interests of its members, improve their working conditions, and promote their overall well-being.

Currently, SOCOWU has 7,533 members


Our mission is to achieve better working conditions, better pay and world-class standards for our workers


To see all communication workers in decent employment, where every employee’s right are protected.

We are here to advocate for all communication workers in Soamlia

Working Hours

Saturday- Thursday 08:00 AM - 05:00 PM
Friday Closed